TBRI Training

Rutherford County TBRI® Collaborative for Children

As a part of our mission to equip and mobilize the community, Mosaic Hope wants to develop a Rutherford County TBRI® Collaborative for children made up of organizations who receive additional training and resources as they implement TBRI® and who work together to align policy and practice across the child welfare system.


  • To increase the number of healing families by providing TBRI training, an evidence-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. 

  • To ensure each child receives consistent, trauma-informed care from every part of the system.


Trust Based Relational Intervention

Listed on the California Clearinghouse for Evidence Based practices, TBRI® is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® educates and equips caregivers with knowledge and skills that empower them to provide healing care for a child who has experienced trauma. In addition to successful use by families, TBRI® has been used in multiple settings to effect change, including intensive home programs, residential treatment centers, and schools.

Partner with Us

Mosaic Hope wants to serve as a hub of support for the community. We want to develop a collective of Rutherford County agencies, nonprofits, congregations, school districts, and organizations working together to support and empower families impacted by the foster care system.

How We Want to Make This Happen

  • Assess what resources are available.

  • Develop relationships with Rutherford County agencies, nonprofits, congregations, and school districts. 

  • Increase communication among organizations in our county.

  • Serve as a HUB connecting vulnerable children and families to the resources and community support they need to stabilize, heal, and flourish.


Foster care is not an isolated problem. The systemic issues affecting children and families are interconnected (issues such as poverty, homelessness, addiction, incarceration, human trafficking, etc.). To create real, lasting change, we must address these issues from all sides. When we work together – each with our own unique focus, skills, and expertise – we can begin to build a better future for every family in our community. Effectively meeting the need requires the coordinated efforts of the entire community. Partnering with organizations and churches reduces duplication of services.

Who Would We Like to be a Part of This?

  • DSS Staff 

  • Child Placing Agency Employees 

  • Judicial Stakeholders 

  • Mental & Behavioral Health 

  • Medical Community 

  • Therapeutic Services 

  • Caregivers 

  • Nonprofits 

  • Churches 

  • Guidance Counselors/ Educators /Schools



Become a Partner


With over 100 churches in Rutherford County, Mosaic Hope believes the Church has an incredible opportunity to make a big impact on behalf of child welfare. We want to serve as a hub for churches and the foster care community, by assessing the needs and creating opportunities for congregations to serve. By joining our mission, your church has the opportunity to live out their faith by supporting children and families in Rutherford County.

become a church partner

Decide who will be the church liaison (contact point) for your church. 

Businesses & Organizations

With hundreds of businesses and like-minded organizations in Rutherford County, Mosaic Hope believes that working together, we can make a difference in the lives of those impacted by foster care. Your business/organization has an incredible opportunity to make a big impact. We want to serve as a hub for businesses and organizations and the foster care community, by assessing the needs and creating opportunities for people to serve. By joining our mission, you can give hope to those who are impacted by foster care.

become a business partner

Decide who will be the liaison (contact point) for your business or organization.